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Star Students!

Updated: Aug 23, 2020

In Zeta Tau Alpha, we recognize that our members are students first. As a chapter, we deeply value the gift of education and strive for academic excellence. Many of our sisters were working hard over the past few months at their summer internships. Meet some of our Star Students!:

Mary Helms, PC '19

Student Intern at Midwest Cardiovascular Research

Mary is a student intern with Midwest Cardiovascular Research at Elkhart General Hospital. This summer, she has been running clinical trials for various studies about new drugs and treatments for cardiac patients, collaborating with other study sites across the country. Mary sees patients, collects and processes labs, helps the research nurses organize data, and screens the EMR for potential study patients. Mary's favorite part of her job is going over to the hospital and observing different heart procedures in the cardiac cath lab! Mary has learned so much from her doctor and nurse teachers. "Cardiac nursing is so exciting, and I'm so thankful for this experience!" says Mary.

Chloe Jenkins, PC '17

Area Manager Intern at Amazon

Chloe is a virtual area manager intern at Amazon this summer. She began her days with presentations from actual Area Managers at Amazon who shared their daily responsibilities, projects, journey in the company, and practical advice for students looking to pursue a job at Amazon. Chloe participated in team discussions over their lecture takeaways and problem-solved issues that are being faced in the warehouses today. She had a summer project that entailed creating a new idea for Amazon, where Chloe organized meetings with stakeholders surrounding her idea on a weekly basis. Many Purdue Alumni work for Amazon, so Chloe enjoyed being able to connect with them about their career journeys! Chloe has gained the understanding of "servant leadership" more than anything else. Amazon stressed the importance of earning trust from her team in order to be successful.

Jessica Mars, PC '17

Production Management Intern at Hormel Foods

This summer, Jessica is a production management intern at Hormel Foods' Austin, Minnesota plant. Jess had the opportunity to work on a project that had a positive impact on the company and helped her gain skills that will be beneficial for her future career. Her favorite memory from this experience was getting to explore the area with other interns!

Lauren Basinski, PC '17

Research Intern at University of Southern Indiana Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program

This summer, Lauren has been working to improve healthcare outcomes for the elderly population in underserved communities. Each day, she has two virtual meetings with a wide range of professionals including professors, physicians, social workers, and hospital administrators. Lauren spends most of her days working to collect and analyze evidence-based literature, giving tours of their on-campus smart home, providing technology workshops, and creating educational modules for students and community members. Lauren's favorite part has been helping elders learn how to connect with their families and friends through technology. Lauren has learned that in isolating situations such as COVID-19 or being in a nursing home environment, it is important that this vulnerable population can still have social interactions to keep them mentally and physically healthy. Lauren has been afforded the opportunity to work closely with an organization called Dementia Friends Indiana, which has allowed her to explore ways to promote awareness and education about dementia in her own community.

Maddie Molloy, PC '17

Beauty Public Relations Intern at SEEN Group

This summer, Maddie has been remotely learning about all things beauty and PR with SEEN Group. During her internship, she has been learning the ins and outs of public relations, events, VIP/influencer marketing, and more. Maddie's favorite part has been being able to learn and work remotely while still building great relationships with her coworkers. Additionally, Maddie participated in an internship last semester at Tarte Cosmetics in NYC. Her team was the liaison between Tarte and their retail partners. She had the chance to see every side of the business, from merchandising, to marketing, which helped her realize her dream to go into the beauty industry post graduation.

Megan Brelage, PC '17

Pharmacy Intern at Topeka Pharmacy

Megan's summer consisted of working on the pharmacy work bench providing the best care to the community at Topeka Pharmacy. Her favorite part was the Topeka Pharmacy staff and the wonderful Topeka community. Since Topeka has been greatly affected by COVID, Megan got to see the deep strength rooted in this small community. Megan has gained confidence in counseling and making recommendations on medications, and talking to doctors and nurses about prescriptions and full medication lists every day.

Jordan Michel, PC '17

Crop Protection Commercial Sales Intern at Corteva Agriscience

Everyday is different for Jordan at Corteva. One day she could be looking at fields, and the next she could be visiting with customers. Jordan spent a lot of time creating a podcast series highlighting Corteva products for customers. Her favorite part of the internship was knowing that every day she had the ability to make an impact on customers - she loved being able to provide solutions for farmers! Jordan learned so much this summer about sales and the crop protection industry, and had the chance to meet some great people along the way.

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